So, thanks to the 158 friends, family, supporters and followers who voted, 2020 and beyond is decided: my next shuffling stop is……………………………………………………. ……………………
Here are the poll results:
It means I’m pressing pause on Dance America and relocating my dance around the world across the Channel. Almost two-thirds of voters favoured this option, plus a lot of people who got in touch after the poll had closed – so I’m pleased the new direction is one supported by the majority of those who’ve supported my prancing efforts so far. Thanks to everyone who voted, commented or sent me a message – I really appreciate everyone for investing some time to support this pretty big decision.
It really is exciting because the adventure is, for the moment at least, now right on my doorstep: the relative closeness of the European mainland means journeys there are quicker and cheaper and that brings flexibility to my plans for how I tackle dancing across the continent. It means I can do the whole thing on public transport – no planes at all – and that, in an age where our world is on fire, is brilliant. And I love planning out adventures too so there’s so much to get stuck into in terms of just how I’m going to navigate my prancing way across the continent.
But I can’t help feeling really bittersweet because of just what a journey my US dance so far turned out to be, thanks to all those I met out there and who helped me make it through two full US states, a mountain range or two, and the Mojave desert in the middle of summer. It’s to you I promise to one day be back, picking up the prancing baton where I left it and heading on along ’66 to the windy city and beyond to NYC. I say that this world dance is undertaken ‘alone and unsupported’, and in a literal sense with me pulling all my kit and supplies along that’s true – but it’s actually made possible thanks to the generosity and kindness of spirit of hundreds of people chipping in their bit: here’s to each and every you – thank you for helping to make a big dream come at least a little bit true. 🙂